Health is Life

About us

Founder & his Family

Zeolite Healthy Life, is a group of people with Christian values and fundamentals. We have found that the zeolite is perfect allegory to Christ. Christ is the Rock. Christ must penetrate the depths of our heart. The Zeolite particles in micron can penetrate human cells eliminating body toxins, and purifying our body. Thus Christ to into our hearts, He can purify our inner being.

We chose the name Zeolite Healthy Life Christ is The Rock, because just as Christ purifies our hearts inside, the zeolite purifies insides our body, being more accurate description of what our product can do for everyone.

We are located in the State of California and have three mines with purity mineral of 98%. Our mine is one of the richest and purest in the world. We believe that putting the product in plastic 8 oz jars is something practical to distribute the product, but it will not be the only product we distribute. The diversification of products is vital for the growth and development of every business. In the near future we want to have nutritional supplements in nice flavors available to the consumer, as well as in soaps, toothpastes , creams etc. We have the best zeolite market globally with the best results because our product has a particle size of less than 0.5 micron in dust, it is the best particle size to enter the torrent blood and detoxify the body. no one else has the zeolite in this dimension. We have the best product for best results worldwide.

We have had the mineral for over 20 years, but we decided to enter the market now because of the constant poisoning pesticides and chemicals for which we are exposed in modern life, affecting the world population. Scientific studies conducted in different parts of the world confirm that pure zeolite powder is the best mineral product to eliminate all particles that sicken our body.

The zeolite is efficient and totally ecological. Without any side effects, it detoxifies the body, regulates the level of PH, also eliminate bacteria, viruses, heavy metals, and radioactive components in the body effectively, in a period of 6 to 8 hours.

Another important aspect we want to emphasize: Financial resources obtained from the zeolite will be used for World Evangelization. We present Christ as a rock of life in all nations, we can say someone consuming our product is supporting missionary work in different parts of the world .